July 08, 2008

Time Capsule

Today we will be talking about one of Apples newer products; The Time Capsule. With an interface as futuristic sounding as its name, the Time Capsule is two things: A backup hard drive, and a wireless base station. You can get the time capsule in either a 500 Gigabyte model, or a 1 Terabyte model. (1 Terabyte = 1,000 Gigabytes)
This is exclusively for Apple computers running OSX 10.5. When you set up your Time Capsule, you will see a handy interface screen with a simple setup. The setup is like this:

That's right! Simply, "On/Off" and you're done. The software will automatically back up your data at certain points, so if you delete something by accident, you can go back as far as you would like. (Hey, with 1,000 Gigabytes, you can store quite a long time period worth of files.)

See the Time Capsule on eBay

June 28, 2008


The perfect desktop for any college student, or any home looking for a new computer! It comes with everything that you need, right out of the box. A mouse, a keyboard, and the computer itself is built into the monitor! It even comes with a remote so that you can control music or videos from across the room.

The Apple iMac comes with its base model configured with a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 1GB RAM. You'll also get a 250GB hard drive, which is more than enough to store all the documents that you, or your family would want. You'll get an 8x double-layer SuperDrive, which will let you burn your CDs and DVDs. You'll also get an ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT with 128MB memory for running all you gamers out there! (This will run games such as Battlefield: 2142, no problem. I've tried.) All in all, this computer is perfect for nearly any personal use.

Check out the iMac on eBay.

June 20, 2008

Macbook, Macbook Pro, iMac and iPod Sale!

The Mac Mini

Has your computer been slowing down recently? Are you thinking of upgrading to something new? Let me tell you about the Mac Mini. This is Apple's standard use home computer. You can get up to a 160GB hard drive, which is great for storing everything that you need. Also, this computer is small, so it won't take up any desk space! Take a look below to see it's size:
Now the thing about the Mac Mini is that it's aimed towards people who are looking for just that; A new computer. So it doesn't come with a monitor, or keyboard and mouse, but you can use the ones that you already have for this. This also drives down the price of the computer. You can get this computer as cheap as $599 new. You can also choose to upgrade your specs, such as, RAM up to 2GB, 2.0GHz processor, keyboard + mouse bundled, monitor bundled, and many others. You can Check out the Mac Mini on eBay

June 14, 2008


Today we're discussing the Macbook. Apple's all-around laptop. Apple currently has this released in two flavors:Black, and white.
Now, keep in mind this is just cosmetics. Internals is another story. This laptop can handle most any of your everyday tasks. You can order this with up to 250GB storage. You can also get a processor that is up to 2.4GHz, although this has no video card. The video card is covered by the (up to) 4GB of RAM. The RAM is shared to cover the video tasks and the application tasks.

This means that the Macbook is perfect for the average user, who is looking for portability. However, if you're wanting to run some processor intensive games (FPS, for example), then see the Macbook Pro, a few posts below this one.

Software wise, if you're not quite sold on OSX, it does everything windows does. Well... Not everything. There are not any viruses or spyware, like on other (*cough*Windows*cough*) Operating systems. And even PC World magazine has given mac praise, while comparing it to a Windows computer. If you're worried about applications that you rely on for work, or for personal life, fear not! Apple computers (With the Intel Processor) can install the Windows operating system on the same hard drive, so you can boot in Windows, or in OSX. There are even some applications out there that allow you to install Windows applications directly onto an Apple computer. So there are no worries when switching from a Windows computer to an Apple.

Macbook on eBay (Opens in a new window)

iPod Touch Features

Think of the iPod touch as a stripped-down version of the iPhone instead of a revved-up iPod. The iPod touch is a few centimeters smaller in length and depth, and it weighs about half an ounce less than the iPhone. The iPhone's battery lasts a longer than the one in the iPod touch. The iPhone has about 24 hours of audio or seven hours of video playback time, while the iPod touch can play 22 hours of audio or five hours of video on a full charge.

ipod touch and iphone
The iPod touch's home screen also looks like the iPhone's, but with fewer icons. From the home screen, you can get to the iPhone's e-mail client, text-messaging capabilities, digital camera and collection of mini-applications called widgets. And, of course, you can also use the iPhone as a cellular phone. The iPod touch doesn't share any of these features, but the two devices do have a few things in common, including:
* Flash memory (8 GB for the iPhone, 8 or 16 GB for the iPod touch)
* WiFi capabilities (802.11b/g)
* Safari Web browser
* Audio, video and photo storage and playback
* YouTube video player
* Calendar and contacts that synch with your computer
* Clock and calculator applications
* Access to the iTunes Music Store via WiFi
* Dock and headphone connections

The iPod touch also costs roughly the same amount as an iPhone or an iPod classic, but each of these devices has significantly different features and capabilities. Here's a run-down of the costs, (these prices change rapidly):
* iPod touch: $299 for 8 GB, $399 for 16 GB
* iPhone: $399 for 8 GB, plus the cost of a cell-phone service plan
* iPod classic: $249 for 80 GB, $349 for 160 GB
* iPod nano: $149 for 4GB, $199 for 8 GB

In terms of storage space, the iPod touch is comparable to the iPhone and the iPod nano. It costs about the same as the iPhone, but it's significantly more expensive than the nano, which costs less than $200. The iPod touch also has far less storage space than the iPod classic, but their prices are roughly the same.

In summary, when you buy an iPod touch, you're basically paying extra for WiFi capabilities, widescreen display and touch-sensitive user interface.

Find some good deals on the iPod Touch on eBay

June 13, 2008

Introducing iPhone 3G...

...With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips. And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser. iPhone 3G. It redefines what a mobile phone can do — again.

Make a call by tapping a name or send a text with the intelligent keyboard.


Enjoy music and video on a widescreen display and shop for music with a tap.

Browse the real web, get HTML email, and find yourself with GPS maps.

3G Speed
Surf the web and download email over fast 3G cellular networks.

Maps with GPS
Find your location, get directions, and track progress along your route.

App Store
Get ready to browse and download innovative applications for iPhone.

iPhone in Enterprise

Get push email, calendar, and contacts with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.

More Languages

For its worldwide release, iPhone 3G adds more language support.

More Features
Additional iPhone features include:
* Better email management
* Contacts search
* View more attachments
* Scientific calculator

June 02, 2008

What does a MacBook Pro and a Porsche have in Common?

The first computers I ever had to use and work on, many years ago, were IBMs. That was when you had to use DOS for everything. Whenever anything went wrong, it was a major problem. As, the years went on and I continued working for companies doing things like CRT data entry, I had to keep working on PC'S. I remember working on a few Dells and Gateways that were getting faster but still very stale, impersonal and very, very prone to viruses and crashes. To be honest, I kind of think the acronym 'PC' should stand for 'Pathetic Computers' or "Pieces of CaCa"! (Sorry PC users, nothing personal. But you really should consider crossing over. They say once you go Mac, you never go back.) :)

O.K. enough PC bashing... Moving on, I eventually started looking around to figure out what I wanted to do in life, other than data entry on a PC. I took a career interest aptitude test that told me that 'desktop publishing' (nowadays commonly referred to as graphic design) was a career I should check out. So, I promptly registered for a class at the local community college. They had Macs in the classroom! I sat in one class playing with these Macintosh computers and software and absolutely fell in love! That was way back when they had the classics which are like 'collectibles' now. They certainly didn't have anything like the MacBook Pro 17 they have now! Still, I loved those little computers as do most people who become mac users. They didn't have viruses, you could personalize your whole interface with your mac, make it an extension of 'you'. You could work from your desktop, click on icons, change file names that way and so much more! Of course Windows has followed suit now but they are always 'behind' Apple in innovation, speed and cutting edge technology. Apple dominates hands down in the multimedia world! I would know, multimedia was my sole profession for well over a decade. (I am a degreed graphic designer, web designer and have managed several pre-press departments over the years. I've also owned and operated my own multimedia corporation for over 10 yrs.) I say this to tell you 'hands down' that apple products like the MacBook Pro 17 are bar none the BEST available on the market!

Macs are the Porsches of computers. They have the sleek sophistication, class, personality and looks. They also have all the bells and whistles. Lets not forget whats under the hood! Vroooommmmm!!! :) Let me put it this way, strap on your 3-point harness folks, this baby MOVES!!! She isn't cheap, but then neither is a Porsche. However, this is very gas economical! :) So put your Porsche away, and jump in the drivers seat of one of these mean machines , and take her for a spin. You can take one for a test drive at any local apple store. (I see apple stores in a lot of malls and stop in to play often.)

You'll never look back! :)

Amanda Buckley

Also, check out The Health & Wealth Store on Amazon! You might find some good pricing there on Apple Products

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